Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Ivory® 2-IN-1 Hair & Body Wash

I was given the wonderful opportunity to try out ivory's new 2-n-1 hair and body wash. I love love love this product it so convenient and in-expensive its all your shower needs in one and if your a stay at home mommy like me (with 4 kids ages 8,4,2,1) bath time can be a hassle with all the different soaps and shampoos, conditioners etc. Ivory makes it so simple its all in one not just shampoo and conditioner like most products but you can use it as body wash and even my kids used it as bubble bath. It saves space in the bath/shower also since its one bottle and not to mention its not expensive either. And if your like me shower time is pretty much jump in get wet jump out lol ( you get the idea). Ivory 2-n-1 makes my shower time so easy to because its one product/one bottle. I can wash my hair and body with one quick squirt of soap so i dont have to fear the kids are throwing them selfs temeper tanturms,wrestling matches in my living room, monkeys jumping on the bed, or little escape artist climbing from their cribs. It has cut down my shower time by minutes, and made bath time super simple and super fun for the kiddos. I think everyone should give it a shot. (I recieved the refreshing scent)

Heres a little run down of the expensense's i normally pay for bath items. Not per month because we run out very fast so probably 2 x's per month and this is just a guess.

Shampoo- $5.99 
body wash- $3.99-$5.49 (depends on my mood)

body wash-$3.99 

Kids x's 4-
Shampoo-$4.97 x's 3 
Body wash for the babies- $4.97 x's 2
body wash for the older kids-$4.97
Bubble bath-$7.44 x's

Now if I buy the ivory 2-n-1 body wash for everyone in the family saves me all that space of those items plus a ton on money even if i buy a bottle for each of us and it lasts alot longer too. (Not to mention it smells so good) I can get it for around $4.00 per bottle so you can see how much im saving. And not to mention this is great for guest bathrooms as well makes things so easy for your guest.
Check out this great video for anyone who likes regular body wash

To get lots of information about this product as well as other great products from ivory check out their facebook page HERE

Last but not least I received this product complimentary from Influenster.

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